@article{oai:rose-ibadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010221, author = {坂本,, 千春 and 池谷,, 文夫 and SAKAMOTO,, Chiharu and IKEYA,, Fumio}, issue = {59}, journal = {茨城大学教育学部紀要 (人文・社会科学・芸術), Bulletin of the Faculty of Education Ibaraki University (Humanities and Social Sciences)}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), Lyceum, which was established by Aristotle in the 4th century B.C., was the opened school that gave many lectures for citizens. For verification, I compared Lyceum with Academy established by Plato in order to explain the role of Lyceum in the society at that time. Consequently, it proved to be the school that combined good points of classic philosophy in Academy with those of practical science which was famous for Sophist. In the 4th century B.C., both political and social organs in Athens had changed much. In that situation, Lyceum was hailed by the citizens through its own educational practice without protection by Polis.}, pages = {1--20}, title = {リュケイオンにおける教育とアテナイ社会}, year = {2010} }